We don’t have to talk!

I know myself to be a talkative person. I make friends easily and I fit into almost all social gatherings (except funerals and weddings of course). Previously, I would walk into any hangout joint and quickly make a friend a habit I have been refraining from in recent times. I tend to hide under the umbrella of ” I don’t want to be known” but truth of the matter is; I’m disgusted with humanity. Yes, this is about me and I will try to be as subjective as possible.

The main reason I never want to listen to new people anymore is because I’m tired of hearing nonsense. Everyone is out here trying to prove that they are more woke than the next person. Hold up…Listen…it is not a competition. Also, I don’t want to talk about the weather and what’s up? I have nothing to say about the tax situation either because you had a choice to vote for better leaders but chose to go with ‘MTU WENU’.

Men- I have little to say about you and your line of dialogue. Here goes the list of the don’ts;

  1. Yes I love cars (Specific Cars) Don’t start digging deep for reasons why and try to prove whether I really know cars or not
  2. I’m a feminist. Yes. I do not intend to explain my stand on feminism to you or the clan of boys you will call from your table to come see a feminist. Also, I don’t want to be equal to your species. I am for equity and getting what is mine with due respect
  3. Don’t bring up socialites and ask what I think about them or what they do. I, for one don’t know what they do. Slide into their DMs and have that discussion with them
  4. Football talk is totally out of bounds. I watch football for my entertainment
  5. Women issues i.e feminism, reproductive health, assault among others are not things we can joke about
  6. I am not interested in knowing the type of women you like/dislike

Something you can do to avoid the above is not approach me at any cost. Some of us come out to hang-out with ourselves respect that.

Women – dear sisters when we meet out here. it is okay to start conversations with me. Here is a list of things we can talk about;

  1. Feminism
  2. Equality
  3. Diversity and Inclusion
  4. Sexual and Gender Based Violence
  5. Mental illness
  6. Random things that make you happy
  7. Books you have read that you can recommend

What we will not talk about;

  1. Your hair
  2. Make up tips
  3. Your sponsor
  4. Betting

If we ever meet in public and we are not bosom buddies refer to the pointers listed above. Thank you.

Yours Truly

Young Lady Tired of Empty Talk

150 150 Mashinani Women

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